Department of Natural Sciences
Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics) Alexander Moskalenksy
Alexander Moskalenksy is a specialist in biophotonics and holds a degree in biophysics. Since 2016, he has led the Laboratory of Optics and Dynamics of Biological Systems at Novosibirsk State University (NSU). His research includes application of photolabile compounds to study biological processes, for example, photoinduced platelet activation. Alexander has led several projects funded by the Russian Science Foundation. He has extensive experience in experimental biophysics and in developing optical instruments. Dr. Moskalenksy has participated in international academic mobility programs such as the Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme and Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility, as well as international conferences in Europe, the U.S., China, and other countries. He has also served as a research advisor to several undergraduate and graduate students in the NSU Faculty of Physics.
Mariia Naumenko, Junior Researcher
Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Optics and Dynamics of Biological Systems at Novosibirsk State University (NSU), graduated with a Specialist degree from the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Novosibirsk State University (NSU) in 2019. She has worked in the field of biomedicine at the University of Bern and Inselspital Hospital in Bern, Switzerland. She conducted research combining immunology and mass spectrometry at ETH Zurich and completed an internship on cancer metabolism research using mass spectrometry methods at EMBL Heidelberg (Germany). She has experience working with a wide range of cell cultures, including bacterial, cancer, and immune cells. While completing her specialist diploma at NSU, she characterized a novel DNA glycosylase (at ICBFM SB RAS). She participated in international scientific conferences such as the SCS Fall Meeting 2020 (Switzerland), Immuno-UK 2021 (London, UK), ASMS 2019 (Atlanta, Georgia, USA), BGRS/SB-2024 (Novosibirsk, Russia), and ALT’24 (Vladivostok, Russia). In 2024, she participated in the “Nasha Laba” project in Moscow, Russia, where she took part in presenting an optical device (nephelometer) developed at the NSU Laboratory of Optics and Dynamics of Biological Systems. She is a recipient of the Swiss Mass Spectrometry Society award (2022, SGMS, ETH Zurich) and took part in the helpfulETH project aimed at effectively addressing problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ezhena Starodubtseva
E. S. Starodubtseva is a student at the Faculty of Physics, Novosibirsk State University (NSU), conducting her master’s thesis titled "Investigation of Platelet Activation under the Influence of Combined Stimuli" under the supervision of A.E. Moskalenko in the the Laboratory of Optics and Dynamics of Biological Systems. She is a participant in projects at A.E. Moskalenko's laboratory, including the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) project 18-15-00049 (successfully completed in 2022) and RSF project 23-75-10049. She is the first author of the article “Platelet Activation Near Point-like Source of Agonist: Experimental Insights and Computational Model” and actively participates in international conferences. For instance, Starodubtseva E. S. presented at the ALT’24 conference in Vladivostok with the talk titled "Laser-induced Agonist Release for Blood Platelet Activation Control."
Danil Shershnev
D. V. Shershnev is a student at the Faculty of Physics, Novosibirsk State University (NSU), working on his thesis in the Laboratory of Optics and Dynamics of Biological Systems at Novosibirsk State University (NSU). His research is focused on photoinduced nitric oxide (NO) release from BODIPY derivatives. D. V. Shershnev is part of the team for the RSF project 23-75-10049, which studies platelet activation using combined stimuli.