Regulatory documents

1.    Federal Law No. 296-FL of 02.07.2021 "On Limitation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions".

2.    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04.11.2020 № 666 "On reduction of greenhouse gas emissions".

3.    GOST R ISO 14064-1-2021 Greenhouse gases. Part 1. Requirements and guidance for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals at the organization level.

4.    GOST R ISO 14064-2-2021 Greenhouse gases. Part 2. Requirements and guidance for quantification, monitoring, and reporting documentation for projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or increase their removal at the project level.

5.    GOST R ISO 14064-3-2021 Greenhouse gases. Part 3. Requirements and guidance for validation and verification of greenhouse gas statements.

6.    GOST R ISO 14065-2014 Greenhouse gases. Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for their application in accreditation or other forms of recognition.

7.    GOST R ISO 14066-2013 Greenhouse gases. Requirements for the competence of greenhouse gas validation and verification groups.

8.    GOST R 56267-2014/ISO/TR 14069:2013 Greenhouse gases. Determination of greenhouse gas emissions by organizations and reporting. Guidelines for the application of ISO 14064-1.

9.    GOST R 56267-2014/ISO/TR 14067:2013 Greenhouse gases. Carbon footprint of products. Requirements and guidelines for quantification and provision of information.

10. GOST R ISO 14090-2019 Adaptation to climate change. Principles, requirements and guidelines.

11. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia dated 16.04.2015 N 15-p "On approval of methodological recommendations for voluntary inventory of greenhouse gas emissions in the subjects of the Russian Federation".

12. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation dated 30.06.2015 No. 300 "On approval of methodological guidelines and guidelines for quantitative determination of greenhouse gas emissions by organizations engaged in economic and other activities in the Russian Federation".

13. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia from 29.06.2017 № 330 "On approval of methodological guidelines for quantitative determination of the volume of indirect energy emissions of greenhouse gases".

14. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia No. 20-r dated 30.06.2017 "On Approval of the Methodological Guidelines for the Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Absorption Volume".

15. GOST R ISO 14067-2021. Greenhouse gases. Carbon footprint of products. Requirements and guidelines for quantitative determination.

(GOST - State Standard, Russian National Standard)