The joint laboratory has united highly regarded researchers in the field of synthesis and research of new compounds and materials for absorption and catalysis. It has focused on establishing the connections between their composition and functional properties as well as studying the mechanisms of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic reactions using a variety of physicaland chemical approaches.
The development of energy and resource efficient catalytic and absorption processes constitutes one of the concepts and main goals of sustainable development. To initiate such processes new highly effective functional materials, namely, catalysts are required as well as a clear understanding of the connections between the material composition and its structure (at the molecular and submolecular levels) and their properties. In its turn, understanding the specific features and mechanisms of catalytic and absorption processes is necessary for a rational search for and design of new generation catalysts and absorbents.
The main efforts of the joint laboratory are focused on the creation of new catalysts for:
- Chemo- and stereoselective oxidation of organic substrates by ecologically pure oxidation such as hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen.
- Organic synthesis in with the participation of СО2 mild conditions.
- Coordinated homo- copolimerisation as well as selective olefin olygomerisation and development of new absorbents for energy efficient chemical and technological processes.
In the future ecologically safe and resource efficient technologies for primary and fine organic synthesis can be the designed on the basis of developed catalysts and absorbents.
Research area expert: Oksana Kholdeeva (Doctor of Science, Chemistry)
Institute of Catalysis, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Neorganic Chemistry Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Thermal Physics Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences