Scientific Focus
Development of software for processing and analysis of active and passive seismic data for research in the energy field. Software application researching natural energy related geological objects, specifically oil and gas fields and geothermal sources.
Student Skill Attainment
The Laboratory explores solutions to both fundamental and applied problems in the energy field based on an analysis of active and passive seismic data. Consideration of seismic tomography and migration procedures to solve exploration and seismological problems will be conducted within the framework of one research group with mutual enrichment from expertise generated by seismology and seismic exploration. Thus, the computational libraries obtained during the work of the Laboratory will help address the problem of import substitution in the field of seismic data processing and analysis. Potential consumers of the intellectual property developed by the team are large oil and gas companies in the Russian Federation.
Industrial Partners
The Russian oil and gas service company "SIANT" and LLC "NOVOSIBIRSK SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CENTER", a Russian company that creates complex technical solutions for modern oil and gas enterprises.Laboratory Head: Irina Viktorovna Medved, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,