Great Mathematical Workshop 2024 announces acceptance of projects

The Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok accepts projects for consideration for implementation at the Great Mathematical Workshop 2024 (BMM 2024). BMM is an event where teams of students, schoolchildren and teachers work on the implementation of various projects. Each project is based on an open problem with a mathematical component. Workshop participants work together with curators and experts who are assigned to each project group.

The workshop consists of three parts: intensive face-to-face work for a week, then freer activity in an “inter-module”, and finally another week of intensive face-to-face work. In 2024, the first module of the Workshop will take place from July 8 to 13, and the second from July 18 to 23.

Work at the Great Mathematical Workshop will be carried out in person at several sites: in Novosibirsk on the basis of Novosibirsk State University, in Tomsk on the basis of Tomsk State University, in Maykop on the basis of Adyghe State University and in Omsk on the basis of Omsk branch of the Institute of Mathematics named after. S. L. Soboleva.

The opportunity is now open to submit a project for implementation at the 2024 Workshop. A project is a mathematical or mathematics-related problem that the client formulates. The customer may be a scientist, and the task may be related to an open scientific question related to his research. Also, the customer can be from any industry, which means that the task will most likely be related to their own production process. Possible customers are not limited to scientists and entrepreneurs, they can be farmers, architects, students, deputies and so on. The most important thing is that the problem is open, that is, it has not yet been solved by anyone.

The customer receives a team of students who work on solving the problem or make significant progress in solving it and provide the results. Of course, the customer may need time and expertise, but the result may be fundamental results, development or software, and connections with students and scientists that may be useful in the future.

Year after year we see in practice that the Great Mathematical Workshop is an interesting, exciting and promising event. Students learn to work in a team, find ways to solve new problems and formulate results. In addition, they establish contacts with potential supervisors and employers, and build a base that can serve as the basis for grants, custom R&D, contracts, or launching their own startup.

If you want to submit your project, you should register on the website Great Mathematical Workshop and fill out the project submission form, which is available at the link < a href=";&gt; Projects will be accepted until April 1, 2024.

If you have a project but cannot formulate it in mathematical language, write it down as best you can and we will help you. For advice on any questions about the Great Mathematical Workshop, write to the ICA email

Projects will appear on the Workshop website by mid-May. Then the opportunity will open for students to choose a project and apply for participation in BMM-2024.

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