The 48th Summer School for Young Programmers has opened at NSU

On July 3, Novosibirsk State University hosted the opening of the 48th ErshovSummer School for Young Programmers named after Academician Andrey P. Ershov (SSYP), which is organized by Novosibirsk State University, the Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS (IIS SB RAS) and the Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok. The 65 schoolchildren selected during the June Contest will work for two weeks in 10 workshops covering a wide range of topics fr om microprocessors to machine learning.

Rector of Novosibirsk State University, RAS Academician Mikhail Fedoruk addressed the participants of the event with a welcoming speech.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the opening of the 48th Summer School for Young Programmers. I think that during these two weeks you will find new friends, enjoy educational and scoial activities. And years later, you will definitely be drawn here — to the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, a scientific and educational center, wh ere more than 30 institutes of the SB RAS of various profiles are located on several square kilometers — fr om mathematics and computer science to humanitarian, chemical, biological. Many of you, years later, I am sure, will want to enter our unique university. Both now and then Akademgorodok will develop. New university dormitories will appear, like those that are being built now behind the main building of NSU, in which you will settle after admission. They will be modern and beautiful, just like NSU's new world-class campus. Good luck! Mikhail Fedoruk said.


Throughout the days of the School, children will work in research and production workshops and studios (small groups of 4–8 people) under the guidance of an experienced mentor. Each team will receive a common task, sel ect the necessary tools and master different programming languages to solve it. As the organizers of the school explained, for data compression, writing a TCP protocol, a simulator of a large biosystem, creating a "smart" device based on a microcontroller and others, various programming languages will be used. Everything fr om Logo for younger students and classical C, the popular Python, to functional Lisp, Rust and GDScript will be studied and put into practice.

In addition, the participants of the event will have interesting and informative lectures not only from the field of programming, but also mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, guest lecturers from IT companies, trainings, master classes and communication in an academic setting. A cultural program is also planned: guitar songs, “What? Wh ere? When?”, performance and excursions.

The ability to effectively and comfortably interact in a team is one of the main components of the life of SSYP. Real interactive communication with top-class specialists, theorists and practitioners allows you to look at learning differently. Summer School participants get the opportunity for self-development and self-improvement under the tactful guidance of highly qualified scientists, IT specialists, and system programmers. They get acquainted in practice with modern trends in the development of information technology. Studying and creativity in a team of like-minded friends and comrades who are passionate about programming, and a serious collective project that you can be proud of,” commented Tatyana Tikhonova, researcher at the IIS SB RAS, senior lecturer at the Chair of Programming of Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of NSU.