NSU mathematicians participated in an international event on formation of teams of scientists and technology entrepreneurs

The 16th Ignition Event of the Commercialization Reactor — an event on the formation of projects and teams of scientists with technology entrepreneurs, with which the Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization of NSU has been cooperating for the third year, was held in Riga in a mixed online-offline format.

For 10 years, the Commercialization Reactor has been attracting technology entrepreneurs and financial resources for the commercialization of fundamental developments of scientists from universities and institutes, searching for market applications of the results of fundamental research, organizing support for startups, and also attracting leaders in various fields to technology commercialization projects. The Commercialization Reactor cooperates with more than 50 universities around the world, interacts with 60 major industrial partners, has launched 90 projects, of which 50 startups were created, which attracted 7 million euros in the form of pre-seed capital.


At the 16th Ignition Event, two developments of mathematicians from Novosibirsk State University were presented. Rene van Bevern, Head of the Laboratory of Algorithmics at the Mathematics and Mechanics department and a researcher at MCA, presented the developments of his group on data reduction with quality guarantees for intractable optimization problems.

Rene van Bevern commented:

Of course, at the moment it is impossible to say what all this will result in, but there is certainly a positive effect from the event. The very communication with entrepreneurs and investors was very useful for me. I began to better understand how to convey the essence of our scientific developments to representatives of different sectors of the economy, who, it seems, are very far from academic science and even more so from mathematics. In addition, while working with the reactor experts, new options for applying our results were revealed to me, which motivates me to continue further research on data reduction. 

Anton Kolonin, the senior lecturer at MCA and employee of the Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization of NSU, presented the project "Aigents — Assistants Based on Personal Artificial Intelligence".

He said:

It was interesting to see the multitude of such diverse representations of high-tech developments in various fields. I was pleasantly surprised by the dynamic and positive style of the event by the Commercialization Reactor. I presented my development for creating personal artificial intelligence for online users — https://aigents.com/ — I look forward to the successful promotion of the project together with Reactor and business partners. It would be extremely interesting and useful to involve NSU students in the project, including those enrolled in the BDA & AI master's program at Mathematics and Mechanics department. 

In addition, 10 more projects were presented at the event, including ones from the UK, Malaysia, India, Italy and Latvia.