The Filkina Medal Award is an anti-but-not-quite-scientific conference on mathematics. The speakers include young-and-not-so-young scientists of SB RAS, as well as undergraduate and graduate students of NSU. In two hours, listeners will learn about unusual applications of mathematics, after which the jury will award the 'Filkina' Medal to the best speaker. The medal will be awarded to the author of the most unscientific application of their own or someone else's research.
This is the second 'Filkina' Medal Award in the history of NSU, the first was held in 2021, and then the award was given to a report for optimizing the spread of rumors.
The Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok invites to share a Sunday evening those who wish to have a good time, good laugh and learn new math.
For more information, visit the conference website: