The International Conference on Geometric Analysis starts on September 23

On Monday, September 23, the International Conference on Geometric Analysis begins its work. It is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding mathematician, Academician Yuri Grigorievich Reshetnyak (09.26.1929-12.17.2021). The scientific interests of Yu. G. Reshetnyak cover an extremely wide range of issues in modern mathematics. He has fundamental results in geometry, function theory, in the field of classical calculus of variations and in a number of other areas of mathematics that occupy a borderline position between analysis and geometry. The conference program includes 22 plenary reports and more than 60 sectional reports. The conference will be held at the Institute of Mathematics (4 Akademika Koptyug Ave.), all reports will be broadcast online. Full information can be found on the conference website: