On January 15, the online conference “World Logic Day Workshop 2024” will be held, dedicated to World Logic Day

January 14 is celebrated World Logic Day. The date January 14 was chosen by UNESCO as a tribute to the memory of two great mathematicians of the 20th century: Kurt Gödel (died January 14, 1978) and Alfred Tarski (born January 14, 1901). 

As part of the celebration of Logic Day on January 15, an online conference “World Logic DayWorkshop 2024” will be held, organized by employees of the Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok and Nazarbayev University (Astana, Kazakhstan). Invited speakers will be made by Professor Viktor Lvovich Selivanov (ISI SB RAS),  Jun LeGoh (National University of Singapore) and Dino Rossegger (Vienna Technical University, Austria). 

Detailed information about the conference is presented on its website. To participate in the conference, you must fill out the registration online form.