On October 4, the first online lecture of the conference "Inverse Problems for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations" will take place

This Sunday, on October 4, the first online lecture of the conference “Inverse Problems for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations" will take place. It is starting at 10 am (UTC+7).

Speaker — Professor Gunther Uhlmann (University of Washington, Seattle, USA) — President of the Inverse Problems International Association (IPIA), Editor-in-Chief of Inverse Problems & Imaging journal.

You can connect to the Zoom conference via this link: https://zoom.us/j/96799634304?pwd=R2RwNHQ5Y3lzQWw0WkN1Zm5qVWZwZz09, or manually in the Zoom app using the conference ID 967 9963 4304 and password 996155.

Please pay attention to the following rules for conducting an Internet seminar:
  • To prevent the appearance of spambots, please, use your real first and last name 
  • Keep your microphone off during the talk
  • Should you have any questions, ask them in the chat