The next "Beijing-Novosibirsk seminar on geometry and mathematical physics" will be held on June 26

Mathematical center in Akademgorodok invites you to take part in the seminar on June 26 at 4 pm Novosibirsk time (UTC+7).
The seminar's heads: A. E. Mironov, I. A. Taimanov, Huijun Fan, Eugene Zhang.

During the seminar Jiang Qingyuan (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom) will present his talk "Derived categories and Chow theory of Quot-schemes of Grassmannian type".

Quot-schemes of Grassmannian type naturally arise as resolutions of degeneracy loci of maps between vector bundles over a scheme. In this talk we will discuss the relationships of the derived categories and Chow groups among these Quot-Schemes. This provides a unified way to understand many known formulae such as blowup formula, Cayley's trick, projectivization formula, Grassmannian bundles formula and formula for Grassmannain type flops and flips, as well as provide new phenomena such as virtual flips. We will also discuss applications to the study of moduli of linear series on curves, blowup of determinantal ideals, generalized nested Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces, and Brill-Noether problem for moduli of stable objects in K3 categories.

To take part, please, on June 26 after 3:45 pm Novosibirsk time (UTC+7) connect to the Zoom conference via this link:
You can also connect manually in the Zoom app using the Conference ID: 666 3438 4173 (password: 7020 followed by the order of the S4 group - 6 digits total).

Please pay attention to the following rules of attending the online seminar:
  • As a security measure, it is highly advisable to connect using your real name. 
  • You are free to join the discussion after the end of the report. However, during the report please keep you microphone turned off. 
  • For the convenience of the speaker, we recommend writing your questions in the chat in advance.