The Filkina Medal Award is an anti-but-not-quite-scientific conference on mathematics. The speakers include young-and-not-so-young scientists of SB RAS, as well as undergraduate and graduate students of NSU. In two hours, listeners will learn about unusual applications of mathematics, after which the jury will award the 'Filkina' Medal to the best speaker. The medal will be awarded to the author of the most unscientific application of their own or someone else's research.
On Monday, September 23, the International Conference on Geometric Analysis begins, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding mathematician, academician Yuri Grigorievich Reshetnyak (09/26/1929-12/17/2021).
Pashinin Daniil Vasilievich, Ph.D., I.O. Head. Laboratory of mechanics of disordered media ISIS SB RAS, senior lecturer of the Department of Higher Mathematics MMF NSU will give a lecture on March 28, 2024, at 16:30 in room 417 IM SB RAS.
Conference "Dynamics in Siberia" at the Institute of Mathematics named after. S.L. Sobolev Russian Academy of Sciences will be held from February 26 to March 2, 2024
The Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok is accepting applications for financial support for events in 2024.
The results of the project competition, which was announced in November 2023, have been summed up. Projects participating in the competition are aimed at developing new relevant research topics in the field of mathematics and related fields, as well as involving young people and deepening international integration.