Places to visit


The life of educated people

In addition to theater going, a great variety of leisure activities have been created in Novosibirsk for its citizens, who are very demanding. The city can boasts a very rich musical life, well-developed museum infrastructure and thriving scientific and educational institutions.

Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Society

Surprisingly, Novosibirsk has become one of the music capitals of Russia in many respects thanks to the efforts of just one person. The legendary conductor Arnold Kats was the head of the Novosibirsk Symphony Orchestra for 50 years, which he himself created. Today the Novosibirsk Philharmonic Society is the leading concert organization in the country, with its symphony orchestra at its heart. However, the Philharmonic Society incorporates 19 different groups representing different musical styles from classical music to jazz, from folk to pop and more among which everyone can find their favorite. The Arnold Katz State Concert Hall opened in September 2013.

Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology

The largest library in the city, four of its floors are located below the ground level. It preserves the most ancient Slavic manuscripts on paper in additional to 14 million publications in Russian and foreign languages. The library can accommodate 600 readers at a time. The library is a reliable source of information for students, graduate students and researchers on various subjects NSU students and professors enjoy free access to the library.

History Museum

In the early 20th century the museum used to be a trading ground and the most profitable building in the city. Today you can see here a fully preserved skeleton of a mammoth and fossil estimated at 600 million years old and unique fossil animals of Siberia.
краеведческий музей

Novosibirsk Art Museum

At the heart of the Museum's permanent exhibition, located in the memorial building that is a representative of the constructivist style in architecture, you can see the items transferred here in the 1950s–1960s from the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, the Pavlovsky Palace Museum, the Hermitage and others. The artists represented in the collection include Surikov, Repin, Roerich and others. In additional, the Museum has a large collection of icons from Siberia. In addition to the Novosibirsk Art Museum, the building hosts the Wax Museum and the Museum of Toys.

The Museum of the Sun

It is the only museum of the Sun in the world; it contains 2 000 exhibits made of wood, fabric, ceramics and metal from India, England, Italy and China. Each exhibit is dedicated to our most important star. Visiting this Museum will literally make your mood lighter.