Information for foreign students

Pay close attention to the following information!

You have to do a PCR COVID-19 test no earlier than 3 days before crossing the border and no later than 3 days after crossing the Russian border.

10 days before arrival you need to send the exact date and point of entry to International Student Support Center email If you need to be provided with a room in the dormitory to stay during the period of waiting for the COVID-19 test results, please make sure to attach the scan/photo of a signed application form for such a room.

After doing it, wait for the reply with the details on crossing the border.

Russian government order dated 16.03.2020 N 635-p (as revised on 18.05.2021)
Recommendations from Rospotrebnadzor 3.1/2.1.0231-21 dated 11.02.2021