The NSU World-Class Campus Auditorium Building construction continues. The work includes installing ceilings, equipment, and plumbing in common areas and covering the walls with ceramic tiles. The materials used are primarily domestically produced.
The auditorium building area is 16.4 thousand square meters and will accommodate up to 1,700 students. In addition to auditoriums, the building will house a multifunctional space with a scientific library and a student project center. Construction is currently 53% completed.
Interior plastering work throughout the building is completed. The installation of internal low-current utility networks for the floors is finishing. Rough finishing of ceilings and corridors in the basement and three floors is almost completed and ceramic tiling on the walls has begun. The builders are also laying slabs providing a power supply and supporting the functioning of underground storm sewer structures. In addition, work is underway to connect the main entrance with Pirogov Street. The structures for crossing between the auditorium building and the educational building has already been installed. Work on the entrance, that will connect the existing educational building and the new auditorium building, began in July.