The Peripatetic tradition. Aristotelian Ideas in Philosophy, Science and Literature

An International School on Ancient philosophy, esp. Aristotle and the Peripatetic tradition will take place in Novosibirsk State University (Academgorodok, Russia) on September 1-10, 2017.

Aristotelian studies is nowadays an established field of scholarship and could be of interest to students and scholars, specializing in the history of philosophy, science, art, and literature, given that the Corpus Aristotelicum, and numerous Commentaries to and Translation of the works ascribed to Aristotle and his school had a lasting impact on the development of Western and Oriental intellectual tradition. In the framework of the school we are planning to organize a series of guest lectures by prominent specialists, and a number of thematic sessions where the participants will be able to share the results of their work on various aspects of adaptation and appropriation of Aristotelian ideas in Western and Oriental intellectual history. All interested scholars are welcome to participate.

For additional Information, see here

The program

The project is supported by Novosibirsk State University and the Russian Scientific Foundation. The school is organized in collaboration with the Institute of World History (Moscow) and the Institute of Philosophy (Moscow).

For further inquiries write to the organizer of the conference

Eugene Afonasin