Scientists from Different Countries will Gather in Akademgorodok to Discuss Future Experiments on the International Space Station

On September 11-15, the S.S. Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics. SB RAS and NSU will host a conference "Two-Phase Systems for Space and Ground Applications".

Novosibirsk State University, one of the organizers of the event, will host the key meetings between representatives of space agencies. Conference participants include Balazs Toth, a representative from the European Space Agency, a representative of the Japanese Space Agency, Haruhiko Ohta, the leader of a current experiment that is currently being performed on the International Space Station (ISS), Jian-Fu Zhao, a representative of the China Space Agency, and leading Russian scientists.

The event was designed to discuss and coordinate planned experiments on the ISS, China’s future space station and other space orbiters in order to avoid duplication and increase the effectiveness of experiments. Participants will be able to exchange the latest information "first hand".

The purpose of the coordination meeting, that will include space agency representatives from Europe, Japan and China, is to review joint scientific efforts and the work taking place to perform experiments on the ISS by the participating countries as well as the USA. The hope is to identify collegial solutions to technical, legal and other issues.

Also on September 15-16, the II International School of Young Scientists - Interphase Phenomena and Heat Transfer will be held to coincide with this conference. Young scientists will make short oral presentations, create posters, listen to lectures by leading scientists, and take part in discussions.

The conference program is available at this link.
The program of the School of Young Scientists can be found here.