NSU Student Presents Cryptosystem Project at International Conference

The international conference “IntelliSys” is considered one of the most important conferences in the field of computer science. The Conference explores current issues related to topics including artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, machine vision, robotics, and information technology.

200 researchers from more than 50 countries attended “IntelliSys” in the center of London to present their work and listen to reports from their colleagues. Elena Zavalishina, a student at the NSU Information Technologies Department who presented her project there, provided a description of her work,          

The name of my project is "Public Key and Digital Signature for Blockchain Technology". In one of their reports, the National Institute of Standards and Technology called for a transition to quantum-stable algorithms because currently known encryption algorithms are not resistant to attacks from the quantum computers that will be a part of our lives very soon. We decided to develop our public key cryptosystem and digital signature algorithm using the complexity of solving systems of polynomial equations in integers included in the currently popular blocking technology. This makes it quantum-resistant.

For four years, students worked on a project led by Sergey Krendelev, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Professor at the NSU Information Technologies Department (ITD). In addition to theoretical studies, a software prototype was developed that continues to be optimized and made increasingly resistant.

Zavalishina’s team includes Dmitry Gridin, a 3rd year student at ITD. They are also on the staff of the JetBrains Research cryptography laboratory. Over the last two years, the students participated in four conferences and published two articles in the peer-reviewed journals “WebSci” and “Scopus”.

Zavalishina talked about the Conference,

Everything went well during my IntelliSys Conference presentation. It generated interest and a number of questions that I was able to answer before a lively discussion developed after the presentation. The problems related to the emergence of quantum computers and the protection of information from their attacks are of great interest to people. The applicability of our algorithm in the blockchain attracted even more interest in our project. Unfortunately, there were no other scientists involved in cryptography. For the most part, researchers in the field of artificial intelligence attended, but they also managed to construct a meaningful dialogue, since almost everybody is interested in security issues. The Conference atmosphere was wonderful. It brought together a large number of interesting people who are open to dialogue and ready to discuss literally everything in the world, presented valuable projects, and made colorful presentations. Even the language barrier collapsed under the weight of interest in the researchers from around the world’s developments and personalities. I now have many friends from different countries and even from different continents. I am very glad I had the honor to speak at this conference.

Thanks to a unique experimental foundation and the great potential of Siberian researchers, NSU has launched a new Master's Program that will train highly qualified specialists in the field of quantum technologies. Graduates will have knowledge and skills related to quantum programming and will have an opportunity to get experience in independent scientific research in the field of modern quantum technologies: the elemental base of quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum metrology. Their scientific research will take place in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok institute laboratories that create the basic elements of quantum technologies.