NSU Presents AI Developments to Russian Government and at Moscow "Russia" Exhibition

March 13 to 17 was “Artificial Intelligence Week” at the Novosibirsk Region exposition at the “Russia” Exhibition in Moscow. The primary organizer of the event was the NSU AI Research Center. Together with partner companies, the Center’s experts presented six AI “Smart City” solutions.

The solutions include software for voice control of a robot dog, a police UAV with intelligent navigation, independently patrolling a territory and registering offenses, the Oculist Igor software and hardware complex (tests a person’s vision), the HEALTHMONITOR gas analyzer (conducts rapid testing for various diseases), a number of projects on “green energy” (a robot that answers environmental questions and a refueling system for self-driving electric vehicles), as well as a digital twin of enterprises.

Two medical developments were of particular interest to members of the Russian Government, the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov and Minister of Digital Development for Communications and Mass Communications Maksut Shadayev.

Alexander Lyulko, Director of NSU’s AI Research Center, provided more details about one of them,

The “Oculist Igor”, developed by us together with “Eye Microsurgery”, is an inexpensive compact device that allows early detection, including for schoolchildren, of such visual impairments as myopia/farsightedness, astigmatism, defects retina. Early diagnosis will help correct these disorders in a timely manner.

The University’s AI abilities were not only of interest to government officials, the exposition was visited by thousands of guests. During Artificial Intelligence Week, a cooperation agreement was signed between NSU and the Kreonomika cluster of high-tech enterprises.

Lyulko continued,

Our exposition became an important part of a large program to popularize AI at the “Russia” exhibition. 12 research centers participated, each presenting their developments in this area. In addition to ready-made solutions and technologies, we talked about the concept of the new university campus as a demonstration site for smart city technologies and this was also of great interest to visitors.