NSU New Classroom Building Construction 50% Complete

Landscaping has begun on the new NSU classroom building. This building is an element in the second stage of the NSU world-class campus construction that is being supported by the “Science and Universities” national project. This work involves laying pathways and building a parking lot. The building itself is 16.4 thousand sq.m. and will accommodate 1,700 students. In addition to classrooms, it will house a multifunctional space with a scientific library and a student design center. Overall, construction is now 50% complete.

Mikhail Fedoruk, NSU Rector and Russian Academy of Sciences Academician, explained,

The University is developing dynamically. 20 years ago, there were 5,000 students, at the end of 2023 there were more than 8,700, an almost twofold increase. We urgently need new spaces, a modern infrastructure that allows us to organize the educational process at the highest level, as well as create conditions for students’ project and research activities.

On the territory of the new classroom building, workers are installing storm sewerage, cold supply equipment, and internal engineering systems, including low-voltage, and power supply. The ventilation system installation is almost complete. As the engineering system is completed, finishing work is underway.

Pavel Bigeza, Chief Engineer at MONOTEK STROY LLC (general contractor for the construction of second-stage facilities), commented,

The cladding on the façade of the classroom building is being completed. Now we can see the actual face of the building and it fits perfectly into the overall concept of the NSU campus. It is in the same style as the existing University academic building and the new NSU Specialized Educational Scientific Center academic building and leisure center across the street. All buildings, existing and new, present a unified image.