NSU Enters TOP 10 in ESG Ratings for Eurasian Economic Union Universities

At the end of March, the National Rating Agency and ESG Consulting presented the ESG (environmental, social, and governance) rating of universities in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries. The rating covers Russia, Armenia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Russian educational institutions in several regions lead the rankings. NSU entered the TOP 10, along with the Higher School of Economics, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, National University of Science and Technology (MISiS) and others.

The rating is based on a comprehensive methodology assessing the three missions of a university (educational, research, and social), the three sustainable development “dimensions”, and the ESG approach (environmental, social, economic and management). ESG ranks universities according to 45 indicators that are grouped into five blocks.

Mikhail Fedoruk, NSU Rector and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, commented,

This is the first time we have participated in this rating. It was important for us to see NSU’s position among universities that integrate ESG principles into their activities. NSU is actively promoting the ESG agenda across all three “dimensions”. We implement specialized educational programs and conduct scientific and applied research on ESG topics. For example, the “Scientific Engineering” strategic project is implementing a CO2 disposal project. The University is also implementing environmental measures that include environmental monitoring, separating waste for disposal, reducing heat loss, and much more.

NSU also conducts specialized educational programs on ESG topics. The NSU Economics Department has created a Master’s Program, “Business Management for Sustainable Development.” In addition, students in different majors can choose a program that addresses issues related to ecology, environmental management, and sustainable development as a special course. Students can also take part in regular scientific seminars on ESG issues.

In 2021, NSU created a Climate Center. One of the Center’s goals is to coordinate the efforts of the scientific community, the region, and business to develop technological solutions for increasing carbon absorption and accounting and testing the economic viability of these solutions.

The University does a lot to create a comfortable environment for work and study. It provides valuable support to vulnerable groups of students and employees. In addition, NSU has more than 70 student associations that conduct educational, cultural, and sports projects. University students actively participate in a wide range of social, charitable, and volunteer events.