NSU is Temporarily Switching to Distance Learning

In connection with the threat of the new 2019-nCoV coronavirus infection (COVID 19) spreading at NSU, the University is taking a number of preventative measures. In March, NSU’s traditional Open Day is canceled and the annual International Scientific Student Conference (ISSC-2020) will be rescheduled.

Starting March 16, as soon as a departments and institutes are ready, they will switch to e-learning and distance learning technologies. This will provide indirect interaction between students and teachers and insure that all educational programs are fully implemented. The Administrative staff, wherever possible, will also switch to a remote work regime.

Teachers are advised to organize their distance learning classes on NSU’s virtual education environment on the Moodle platform. In addition, they should use the University’s subscription or licensed resources: Google Class, Webinar.ru, Skype for business.

Important! The transition to distance learning does not mean students are being evicted from their dormitories.

Temperature control is being organized at building entrances and additional sanitizing stations are being installed. Under the current agreement with NSU’s cleaning company, all products used for cleaning the premises, including door handles and railings, are disinfectants.

University leadership has issued a special order canceling official business trips for NSU employees and educational student trips, both foreign and within the Russian Federation. It is recommended that people arriving from high-risk countries self-isolate at home for 14 days from the date of their return to the Russian Federation. The University is temporarily prohibiting the entry of new foreign students, teachers, and staff.

The V. Zelman Institute of Medicine and Psychology medical, scientific and educational centers will provide medical supervision to NSU employees and students from high-risk countries.

In addition, in accordance with the 12.03.2020 letter No. МН-3/654 from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, public scientific, educational, cultural, sports, and other public events will be reduced to the maximum extent possible, especially those that include foreign participants. A standing committee is continuing to work on measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection at NSU.

We want to remind you that for safety and to minimize your risk of contracting a respiratory infection, you should wash your hands regularly with soap or treat them with an alcohol based disinfectant, maintain at least one meter distance from others in public places, do not touch your eyes, mouth, or nose with your hands, and follow all rules for respiratory hygiene. If you develop a temperature, cough, or difficulty breathing you should seek medical help as soon as possible and observe personal protective measures.

NSU management asks students and staff to be understanding of the measures we are taking and to comply with all recommendations.