NSU Declared As One Of The World`s Most International Universities 2022

Times Higher Education have published Ranking of The World`s Most International Universities 2022. The data are drawn largely from the «international outlook» pillar of the THE World University Rankings 2022. Novosibirsk State University is among 7 Russian universities rated TOP-200.

The data takes into account a university’s proportions of international students, international staff, and journal publications with at least one international co-author. Each of these elements is given equal weighting in calculating the score for this pillar.

The table adds a fourth component, which makes up 25 per cent of the total score: a university’s international reputation. This is a measure of the proportion of votes from outside the home country that the institution achieved in THE’s annual invitation-only Academic Reputation Survey, which asks leading scholars to name the world’s best universities for teaching and research in their field.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation the total number of foreign students receiving higher education in Russia in 2020 amounted to 315 thousand people, in 2021 ― 324 thousand. At the same time, more than 50% of foreign students in Russia come from the former Soviet republics, about 13% from China, and 5% from India. The most popular program is «Medicine».

At NSU foreign students can study in Russian and English. For additional information about available bachelor's degree programs, master's degree programs, and PhD programs visit page «Programs» section «Admission» or contact International Students Recruitment Office (interstudy@nsu.ru).