Cryptography and Information Security Summer School Started in Kaliningrad

Fr om August 7 to August 17, the Summer School "Cryptography and Information Security" took place in Kaliningrad. This is a traditional event organized by Novosibirsk State University Cryptographic Center and the International Mathematical Center. This year the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU) hosted and  co-organized the event.  

A total of 115 applications were submitted to participate in the School. 68 students from Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, Tomsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Taganrog, Yekaterinburg, Innopolis, Khabarovsk and other cities in Russia were selected to attend. There were also international participants from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Vietnam. 

Ekaterina Malygina, Co-head of the Summer School and IKBFU Associate Professor greeted participants saying, “This year, the Summer School on Cryptography and Information Security is a success both geographically and in the variety of lectures and scientific projects. We wish everyone successful work and scientific achievements”. 

Throughout the two weeks, teachers worked with students. In addition to lectures, there were teamwork projects related to solving educational and research problems in the field of cryptography and information security. One of the most important events of the School was a round table on modern problems of cryptography. Students also had an opportunity to walk around Kaliningrad and participate in sports activities. The main event was the closing conference wh ere results of the participants' work was presented along with the publication of abstracts. 

Natalia Tokareva, Head of the Summer School and NSU Associate Professor at the NSU Department of Mathematics and Mechanics provided more details, 

At the School this year particular attention was given to post-quantum cryptography. The leading Russian developers in this sphere took part in the School. These developers were directly involved in the creation of standards in the field. The fact that we managed to attract them is a great success. 

The Summer School-Conference was conducted with the support of the International Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok and the Kovalevskaya North-West Center for Mathematical Research.
