Current Trends in Organic Chemistry

The conference aimed at discussion the latest achievements and development perspectives of the investigations in all fileds of physical and synthetic organic chemistry, chemistry of natural compounds, and the facilitation of scientific collaboration between native and foreign reseachers, scientific institutes and universities.

The scientific program includes plenary lectures, oral talks, poster presentations, youth session and covers the following topics

  •  chemistry of aromatic, fluororganic, heterocyclic and heteroatom (including nitrogen and sulfur and other atoms) compounds and stable radicals;
  •  synthesis, formation and study of the properties of organic hybrid and polymer materials. Development of the scientific principles of technology of substances and materials;
  •  chemical nature, reactivity, isolation and purification techniques and biological activity of plant metabolites. Aimed synthetic tranformations, pharmacology properties and mechanism of action of biological active compounds of natural and synthetic origin;
  •   organic reactions mechanisms studing, molecular rearrangements, structure and properties of the intermediates, including quantum-chemical calculation methods for prediction of the substance structure and properties.
Conference site
Conference program is available by link