NSU will host a conference "Mal'tsev Meeting"

In 2019, the traditional international conference "Mal'tsev Meeting" will be dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Anatolii Ivanovich Mal'tsev (1909-1967), the founder of the Siberian school of algebra and logic. The meeting will be held in Novosibirsk on August 19-23.
Fifteen well-known scientists from Russia, Great Britain, New Zealand, and USA will deliver invited lectures on algebraic combinatorics, computability, groups, models, proof theory and non-classical logics, rings, and universal algebra. There will be also contributions in sections on various modern directions in algebra, mathematical logic, and their applications in computer science.
Regularly updated information on the event is available at http://www.math.nsc.ru/conference/malmeet/19/Main_e.htm.