
When: March
Where: 2, Pirogova str.
Type of event: open air celebration

Traditional Maslenitsa festivities that take place in front of NSU are a bright and cheerful holiday with folk entertainment and blinis (Russian pancakes). Holding a Maslenitsa doll at the head of the parade, people dressed in folk costumes walk through the campus to “wake up lazy students” and see winter off.

Men can compete in fist fight, rope pulling, or fighting "wall to wall" (two goups of men face each other, in each one men hold together as a block to form a wall). All participants take part to traditional Russian games: they lead round dances ( “khorovod” in Russian) or play thread needles, guess folk riddles and receive warm pancakes for giving the right answer.
NSU international students are the most curious participants to the celebrations. They come to the holiday in groups and take part actively in all the games.

As a rule, the end-of-winter celebration culminates when the effigy of Maslenitsa is burned.
Maslenitsa is one of the holidays giving each participant the feeling to be part of something big and great, part of the history and culture of its people.

A “Maslenitsa Party” is also traditionally held at the university during the Maslenitsa week. It is an evening of Russian folk songs, dances, kissing and agility games. Another event of the week is called "Meeting the rector over pancakes." Student families meet with the rector, ask him questions and chat in an informal atmosphere around the festive Maslenitsa table.

Organizer: Center for extracurricular and educational work of Novosibirsk State University (CEEW)

Programme of the event:
Dances and Songs
Folk games and tricks
Folk guessing games
Burning Lady Maslenitsa (a doll representing Maslenitsa)
Warm blinis

How can I participate: if you want to participate in the organization of Maslenitsa at NSU, please contact the Center for extra-curricular and educational work of NSU. If you want to participate to the celebration, just come! Everyone is welcome to join.

Entrance: Free
Contacts: 8 (383) 363-43-52

*Maslenitsa takes place one week before the Great Lent which lasts 8 weeks and ends with the celebration of Easter. Maslenitsa lasts one week during which eggs, milk and other dairy products are still allowed. At the end of the week, Maslenitsa ends and these products are not allowed anymore nor are parties and celebrations.